Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Lirik lagu adele turning table


Lirik lagu adele turning table
Lirik lagu adele turning table | Selamat datang pengunjung blog Infobagus-foryou. Sekarang saya akan post artikel atau sharing tentang lirik lagu adele turning table, Tapi sebelum artikel lirik lagu adele turning table saya post saya sudah share artikel yang berjudul foto-foto robert pattinson pemeran edward cullen di film twilight, mohon dibaca dan dilihat juga yah.

Adele memang penyanyi penomenal pada masa kini, bagaimana tidak sudah banyak penghargaan yang didapat adele, Itu membuktikan bahwa adele memang memiliki bakat menyanyi yang hebat.
Dan salah satu lagu kebanggaan adele adalah lagu turning table, lagu adel turning table adalah salah satu lagu adele yang cukup booming di amerika dan di negara-negara lain seperti indonesia juga.
Dan berikut adalah lirik lagu adele turning table tersebut :

Lirik lagu adele turning table

close enough to start a war,
all that i have is on the floor,
god only knows what we're fighting for,
all that i say, you always say more,
i can't keep up with your turning tables, under your thumb,
i can't breathe,
so i won't let you close enough to hurt me, no, i won't ask you, you to just desert me,
i can't give you the heart you
think you gave me,
it's time to say goodbye to
turning tables,
to turning tables,
under honest guise i see, ooh,
where love is lost, your ghost
is found,
i braved a hundred storms to
leave you,
as hard as you try, no, i will
never be knocked down,
i can't keep up with your
turning tables,
under your thumb, i can't
so i won't let you close
enough to hurt me, no, i
won't ask you, you to just
desert me,
i can't give you what you
think you gave me,
it's time to say goodbye to
turning tables,
turning tables,
next time i'll be braver,
i'll be my own savior,
when the thunder calls for
next time i'll be braver,
i'll be my own savior,
standing on my own two feet,
i won't let you close enough
to hurt me,
no, i won't ask you, you to
just desert me,
i can't give you what you
think you gave me,
it's time to say goodbye to
turning tables,
to turning tables,
turning tables, yeah,
turning, oh.

Dan itulah lirik lagu adele turning table, silahkan dicatat atau di print lirik lagu adele turning table ini untuk anda nyanyikan dirumah dan dimanapun.
Selesai deh artikel ini yang berjudul lirik lagu adele turning table, thanks telah membaca kunjungi terus yah di infobagus-foryou karena akan selalu berbagi informasi disekitar kita.


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